Friday, October 12, 2007

officially end of exams! I'm sure all of you are playing/tv-ing/sleeping/laughing/slacking!
Which is what we've all been waiting for after surviving the exam period which lasted for so long... right?
Hope all of us do well for the End of yrs! wouldn't it be cool if we all end up in the same class? I mean, IF we all go for games then like so many of us will leave the classroom. And the teachers would not know what to do! :D

Anyway after this LONGLONGLONGLONG break that all of us had, it's time to get back to the life of trainings!
Not sure for you all, but i'm really looking forward to that 2hour long bus ride to geylang serai cup! waahhahaha. and the female referees there are really really pretty! Best of all, seniors are playing and it'll be veryveryvery nice! :P

Hm, when will our team outing be?

YAY i just rescued this blog.

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